Shanti Nam

I have been teaching kundalini yoga in Finland, Tampere area since the beginning of 2017. Kundalini yoga came into my life in 2015. Before that, I got acquainted with other forms of yoga, but when I met kundalini yoga, yoga quickly changed from a hobby to a way of life and learning for a lifetime. Learning still continues in the level 2 and 3 training of kundalini yoga. I am currently studying to become a level 1 teacher trainer in kundalini yoga.

The diverse practices offered by kundalini yoga have brought a lot of love, peace, balance and deeper meaning to my life, which is why it is with pleasure that I share these teachings with others. Kundalini yoga is a very practical exercise that allows you to find peace and balance in changing life situations.

My way of directing is gentle and calm, but at the same time, I encourage you to challenge your own body and mind through presence in order to find a better balance. I organize classes as group lessons and individual tutoring, and I regularly hold various advanced courses based on kundalini yoga exercises. I am especially inspired to teach yoga to women as well as to share yoga philosophy to empower women. I regularly organize kundalini yoga courses and classes. In the spring of 2020, I graduated as a Meditative Healing nurse, whose technology is based on kundalini yoga technology. In addition to meditative healing treatments, I do sound bowl relaxation treatments for individuals and groups. I also counter and help people through private yoga sessions and consultations to enhance spiritual and healing lifestyles.


Educational background:

  • Kundalini Yoga Teacher, 2018 KRI

  • Meditative Healing™ healer, 2020 Yogalafontaine

  • Advanced trainings in Kundalini Yoga:

    Life cycles and yogic lifestyle, 2019 KRI

    Conscious communication, 2021 KRI

    Mind and meditation, 2022 KRI

    Authentic relationships, 2022 KRI

  • Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Student, since 2020

Other studies:

  • Chef (Lappia, 2008)

  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management (Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu, 2014)

  • Basics of nutrition science (Kuopion avoin yliopisto), 2015

  • Student of Functional Nutrition (Salus), 2015

  • Bachelor's studies in social services, since 2020

  • Basics and intermediate studies in psychology (Jyväskylän avoinyliopisto, 2023)